The XM10IR is a 1.4 megapixel monochrome camera with a spectral response from the visible up to 1000 nm and is ideal for thin through-silicon near IR imaging. The XM10IR also offers all of the properties required to provide dependable gray scale value and infra-red microscopy images.
The XM10IR uses a 1.376 x 1.032-pixel CCD chip cooled to 10°C (at 25°C ambient) with a 14 bit analog digital conversion. It offers three binning modes: 2x, 4x and 8x, resulting in increased sensitivity and frame rates of up to 80 fps in live mode. Its spectral response from the visible up to 1000nm is ideal for through-silicon near-IR imaging.
At full resolution, the XM10IR is ideal for all acquisitions since it is extremely sensitive, low in noise and supports long integration times of up to 160 seconds. The chip has a pixel size of 6.45 µm x 6.45 µm, which, in combination with the camera cooling, ensures the XM10IR is ideal for recording even the faintest signals in your specimen.
The XM10IR makes a great addition to any microscopy system not only because of its great features, but also since it is easy to integrate using a standard C-mount adapter to connect to the microscope and the high-speed data transfer and power capabilities of the FireWire・interface.
The XM10IR is fully supported by OLYMPUS Stream image analysis software, ensuring that whatever the application, the information is not only fully collected, but also properly analyzed, processed, displayed and archived.