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Non-Destructive Gold Assay Karat ID

gold assay XRF product

Get fast, accurate, analysis results with Handheld XRF. Within seconds, DELTA handheld XRF provides alloy chemistry and karat classification with one non-destructive and non-intrusive test.

With the current high value of gold, quantifying its fineness and purity is more critical than ever. Whether importing precious metals, selling or producing jewelry, fabricating metal, or recycling scrap metal, you need a fast, highly accurate way to determine karatage (gold content) for quality control, pricing, and usage purposes.

The DELTA Classic handheld XRF analyzer not only provides these qualities, but is a non-destructive, cost-effective method to check for gold content and verify alloy chemistry.

XRF is a widely-used, proven and accepted method to generate a complete analysis of gold samples, including purity and fineness. On-the-spot analysis of your gold products and materials is an easy way to boost customer confidence and ensure dealer reliability.

Critical Applications

The DELTA Classic is ideal for the jewelry industry, museums, archaeological sites,
pawn shops, coin collectors, cash-for-gold operations, scrap recycling.

  • Certify Kt content on the spot, 0 - 24 K
  • Platinum vs. white gold
  • Silver and other metal content in gold
  • Verify gold content in scrap gold
  • Determine gold content in coinage

Handsfree testing chamberr Delta Gold XRF
Optional hands-free WorkStation - provides optimal testing conditions for jewelry analysis.
Includes PC software for benchtop-syle analyzer controls.


  • Powerful 4W X-ray tube provides reliable and accurate performance for gold analysis
  • Speed - results within seconds
  • High level of precision and accuracy - reliable results
  • Completely non-destructive testing method
  • Easily measures on uneven surfaces
  • Automatic Karat determination
  • Large data storage capacity for future reference
  • Easy data export and reporting - generate immediate certification
  • Optional integrated camera and small spot collimation for focused analysis and sample image archiving

Performance You Can Count On

In an economic environment where fast AND accurate results are more important than ever, the DELTA Classic handheld XRF provides superior precision and accuracy.

While you benefit from the convenience of easy, on-the-spot analysis with Handheld XRF, you can feel confident in results that will help assure maximum profit for your gold assets.

Gold Data Chart

Repeat Analyses of Gold Alloys

DELTA Classic, 30 sec analysis time

Repeat Analyses of Gold Alloys

Testing screen for Delta

In Focus and On Target for Every Shot

The DELTA Classic is available with optional integrated camera and smalll spot collimation. A CMOS camera records sample images to memory with analysis results for report generation. X-ray beam collimation is utilized for measurement of small components and samples. A simple press of a button activates 3mm diameter collimation; an on-screen indicator shows the operator exactly where the analysis spot is focused. Collimation can be easily reverted to 10mm spot diameter for standard, bulk analyses.

Gold…and More

In addition to gold, the DELTA Classic alloy analyzer provides a high level of performance for other precious metals of interest. The analyzer comes standard with a precious metals suite that includes Ag, Au, Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Ni, Pb, Cu, Zn, Fe, Co, and other elements.

gold assay soft shot karatgold assay soft shot karat element
Olympus IMS

Productos para la aplicación
Los analizadores XRF portátiles DELTA, dedicados a la identificación positiva del material (PMI), permiten analizar aleaciones de forma no destructiva para identificar con rapidez y precisión los grados de las aleaciones y medir la composición de los metales. Efectúe inspecciones PMI y ensayos de control/aseguramiento de calidad, que cubren desde una identificación simple de grados, en conformidad con las especificaciones del control de calidad, hasta inspecciones de materiales entrantes y verificaciones de productos finales.
Este modelo de analizador portátil DELTA proporciona la identificación de elementos en 1 o 2 segundos en la mayoría de los grados de aleación y metales puros. Su diseño, pensado para ofrecer durabilidad, soporta los ambientes de procesamiento más extremos. Clasifique y analice aleaciones con rapidez y fiabilidad en una amplia variedad de materiales ferrosos y no ferrosos en tan solo segundos.
El DELTA Element es un analizador de fluorescencia de rayos X (XRF) económico y de alto rendimiento que ha sido optimizado para las aplicaciones de clasificación de chatarra, identificación positiva de los materiales (PMI), control y aseguramiento de calidad de aleaciones (QA/QC), y análisis de metales preciosos.
El DELTA Professional, dotado de un detector de deriva de silicio (SDD) de gran superficie y tubo de rayos X avanzado de 4W, proporciona un rendimiento superior en términos de velocidad, límites de detección y escala de elementos. Analiza elementos que van desde el magnesio (Mg) hasta elementos superiores en aleaciones y minerales. Este analizador representa la mejor solución de la serie de analizadores DELTA de Olympus.
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