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BondMaster 600 Operating Software

BondMaster 600 Operating Software

BondMaster 600 Operating Software

The “BondMaster 600 Software Update” is a zip file which includes three files required to update the instrument to the latest version, the latest version of BondMaster PC and an upgrade guide. NOTE: BondMaster PC must be installed on your PC to upgrade the BondMaster 600 operating Software.

  1. Create a temporary download folder on your PC desktop or other location that will be easily remembered.
  2. Click on the link to start downloading the zip file. 
  3. Enter your login to continue. 
  4. Save the zip file to the location created in “Step 1” above on your computer.  
  5. Navigate to the folder created in “Step 1” above and extract the contents of the zip file. 
  6. Follow the steps outlined in the included document “B600 Upgrade Guide.pdf”.

Upgrade Inclusion
BondMaster 600 and 600M
Sub Product Version Languages Relase Notes
FPGA 0017

Application 1.17

BondMaster PC 1.1.0 EN

Upgrade Guide 0 EN

Highlights - BondMaster 600 1.17
  • Corrected issue using a full screen save file as a reference.
  • Fixed Alarm signals to be better detected.
  • Probe information is now seen when files are imported via Bondmaster PC.
  • Corrected battery display.
  • Backup works with a FAT16 SD card.
  • Correct initial Power-Up Date in About.
  • Other minor fixes.
Highlights - Bondmaster PC 1.1.0
  • Corrected issue with crosshairs that were obscured by the grid.
  • Printing now contains signatures and no longer crops the charts.
  • Fixed issue when importing MIA files.
  • Other minor fixes.
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BondMaster 600 Operating Software


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