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Latest: DP75 Firmware update (Ver.21) (for Windows OS-64bit)

Latest: DP75 Firmware update (Ver.21) (for Windows OS-64bit)

This program updates the firmware for DP75 microscope digital camera.
*This update does not affect cellSens software. The version of cellSens software does not change with this update.

Object product:

DP75 microscope digital camera


Modification to the below problem:

  • The camera lens may condensate in a high humidity environment.

Installation Procedure

Before update proceeding with the update, read the following precautions:
This update program comes with an “EVIDENT END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT.” Prior to downloading the software, please read the “EVIDENT END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT.” When the downloading begins, it automatically assumes that you agree to the terms in this AGREEMENT.

Perform the download procedure:

  1. Select the “DP75_FW_21.exe” (6.4MB) file from the right side of the page.
  2. When the Download File dialog box appears, click “Save,” and save the file to a folder on your PC that is used with the DP75 camera.
  3. Double click the “DP75_FW_21.exe” file saved on your PC to start the firmware update process. Follow the on-screen instructions to continue the update.

For details about this update, click here.

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