This 12-minute video, was given by Todd Houlahan, Director of ANI's International Mining Group, at the Oxford University Mineral Deposits Study Group winter meeting in January. The presentation focused on understanding that there are strengths and weaknesses of using XRF in mining and exploration, and was very well received.
Analizador portátil en la industria minera: Ventajas y desventajasNarration Language:English
Nick Cook - VP Mawson Resources - Gold in Lapland - has used Olympus XRF for three years - drill cores, lab samples - helps determine where to test the next day - invaluable because of Lapland's short drilling season
Mawson Resources: ¿Por qué usamos los analizadores XRF Olympus?Narration Language:English
This video will show you how to export test results from the Olympus DELTA Handheld XRF Analyzer, and how to reduce the time required to go from field testing to the final report.
DELTA: Exportación de los resultados de la inspecciónSubtitles Available:Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, 日本語, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
This 12-minute video, was given by Todd Houlahan, Director of ANI's International Mining Group, at the Oxford University Mineral Deposits Study Group winter meeting in January. The presentation focused on understanding that there are strengths and weaknesses of using XRF in mining and exploration, and was very well received.
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