OmniScan MX: Ajustes del C-scan de base para el ensayo de adherencia en la industria aeroespacialNarration Language:English
OmniScan MX2 Product Overview
OmniScan MX: Ajustes básicos de las corrientes de Foucault multielementos en la industria aeroespacialNarration Language:EnglishSubtitles Available:Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, 日本語, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Chris Magruder and Francois-Come Beaupre discuss some of the features of the new Omniscan MX2.
HydroFORM Setup, Configuration and AcquisitionNarration Language:English
Tune in to this webinar and hear from our expert at Olympus on the latest solutions for the nondestructive testing of pipes and vessels for wall thickness loss due to corrosion or erosion. The HydroFORM and RexofFORM systems built for the OmniScan MX2 phased array flaw detector are designed to bring encoded corrosion mapping capability without the use of high-speed computer-based mechanical raster scanners.
Seminario web: Ventajas del phased array en mapeos de la corrosiónNarration Language:English
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