Demo of new window guard and calibration for Alloy DELTAs.
DELTA: Protector de ventanillas para los analizadores de aleacionesNarration Language:English
This short video will show you how to quickly and safely start using your DELTA Handhald XRF Analyzer, from opening the case to testing your first samples.
Analizadores DELTA XRF: Video de inico rápidoNarration Language:EnglishSubtitles Available:Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, 日本語, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Overview of the Labeling feature in the DELTA XRF hand-held Analyzer
DELTA: Etiquetas para la identificación positiva de materiales (PMI)Narration Language:EnglishSubtitles Available:Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, 日本語, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Introduction of the new Flex Stand for DELTA Handheld XRF Analyzers and how to use it.
DELTA: Soporte Flex Stand para los analizadores XRF portátilesNarration Language:EnglishSubtitles Available:Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, 日本語, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Demo of new window guard and calibration for Alloy DELTAs.
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