Customer testimonial describing what it's like to work with the DELTA analyzer in a scrap yard.
DELTA XRF de Olympus: Uso del equipo para el análisis de la chatarra de metalSubtitles Available:Chinese, English, French, Italian, 日本語, Russian, Spanish
This on-line presentation demonstrates the latest technology and shows how to double your results, cut the labor by half, and improve the quality of the entire PMI from the first step to the finished line. Whether “hot” in-service testing or vibrating samples is your concern, you will learn how to rapidly and accurately tackle challenging samples.
Seminario web: Nueva tecnología HH XRF acelera y simplifica las inspecciones y creación de informes en el campo NDT-PMINarration Language:English
Delta Classic used by the Center for Environmental Health to test handbags for lead. Broadcast on ABC News June 20, 2012.
ABC News – Detección de plomo – DELTA ClassicNarration Language:English
Overview of the Labeling feature in the DELTA XRF hand-held Analyzer
DELTA: Etiquetas para la identificación positiva de materiales (PMI)Narration Language:EnglishSubtitles Available:Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, 日本語, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
This video will demonstrate how the Grade Match Messaging feature for DELTA Handheld XRF analyzers helps to optimize the sorting process and streamline operations.
Analizador DELTA XRF: Mensajes de correspondencia de gradosSubtitles Available:Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, 日本語, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Customer testimonial describing what it's like to work with the DELTA analyzer in a scrap yard.
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