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Handheld XRF Tests Lead (Pb) in Soil, Dusts, and on Surfaces

Health hazards associated with Pb in pre-1978 structures containing lead based paint (LB P) are well established. Of primary concern is the presence of bioavailable Pb in flaking or chipped surface paint, dust, and the nearby soil of these structures when occupied by young children. Other areas of concern are the environs of community buildings and recreational areas in the vicinity of Pb-producing activities, such as heavy traffic, land fills, munitions sites, or industries that use and/or emit Pb.

Legally regulated limits of Pb vary from country to country and even city to city. Typical residential regulatory Pb levels in developed countries are 400PPM in residential soil, 40 µg/ft2 (40µg/wipe) in floor dust, 250 µg/ft2 (250µg/wipe) on interior window sills, and 1.0mg/cm2 or 0.5% by weight on painted structural surfaces. Laboratories are well equipped with techniques and instrumentation to measure Pb to confirm legal regulatory compliance. However, lab analyses are not immediate and tend to be expensive and time-consuming. Consequently, there is a need for more timely on-site determinations of potentially dangerous levels of Pb in suspected areas.

Delta Handheld XRF testing soil

Tube-Based Handheld XRF

Tube-based handheld XRF analyzers are the optimum tool to perform Pb measurements directly in the soil, on dust wipes or filters, and on painted surfaces or paint chips and flakes. Should supplementary lab analyses be required, Handheld XRF can be used to optimize sampling at the property in an effort to minimize laboratory analysis costs.

The tube-based DELTA Premium Handheld XRF analyzers are equipped with the latest in silicon drift detector (SDD ) technology and floating point processors to accurately detect low levels of Pb within seconds. Preset threshold limits can be preprogrammed for positive/negative or pass/fail Pb tests for PPM, % weight, or mg/cm2 requirements. DELTA Handheld XRF Analyzers provide fast, accurate, precise results well within typical regulatory LOD levels. These modern tube based Handheld XRF analyzers eliminate problems associated with older radioactive source-based Handheld XRF such as isotope loss of speed, high replacement costs, and post 9/11 regulatory and transportation restrictions.

Hip holster for Delta Handheld XRF and Portable workstation

DELTA Handheld XRF LODs for Pb Testing

Si Pin Detector
Large Area SDD Detector
Pb in Soils &
5 - 10 ppm 2 - 4 ppm
PB on Filters &
Dust Wipes
3 μg/filter or wipe 1 μg/filter or wipe
Pb on Painted
Structural Surfaces
0.3 μg/cm2 0.1 μg/cm2

Limits of Detection (LOD) measurements were taken in aire for 20-30 seconds
with optimized beam conditions. Standards used were in clean homogenous,
best case interference free matricies.

DELTA Tube Based Handheld XRF

Lead (Pb) in Soil Analysis

Soil contaminated with toxic levels of Pb is an obvious problem
in children's play areas, such as yards, parks and ball fields.
Handheld XRF quickly and easily determines the amount of
Pb and other metals in soil or sediments within seconds. Field
XRF data integrated with field GPS-GIS data can provide metal
concentration maps, essentially instant metal mapping. Data
in this visual format is critical to determine and communicate
where problems exist. Potential cost savings for remediation of
Pb-contaminated sites with field XRF is evident, particularly the
ability to assess quickly and to minimize lab testing costs. In fact,
EPA Method 6200 encourages portable XRF screening for high
density, high volume sampling to correctly characterize a site.

Concentration Contour Map of PB in Soil

Delta Handheld XRF Screen Shots & PC Analysis Screen

Pb in Dust Wipes & Filter Analysis

Exposure to airborne toxic metals has been found to develop
serious health problems. NIOSH and OSHA developed methods
for field analysis of Pb in dust wipes and air filters after
successful use of Handheld XRF analyses at US Superfund sites.
The obvious advantage to this field analysis technique is that
regualtors can obtain inexpensive, simple, real-time quality
information to screen or verify exposure levels for immediate
action plans. The DELTA Workstation is available for the NIOSH
and OSHA developed dust wipe and filter analysis methods.

Pb on Painted Surface Analysis

DELTA Handheld XRF Docking Station

DELTA Tube-Based

Protecting Society from Toxic Pb Levels

The handheld XRF Analyzers are used worldwide to
monitor Pb and other toxic metals and elements for public safety
by Environmental & Consumer Protection Agencies, Housing &
Urban Development Regulators, and Customs Agents.

Olympus IMS

Products Used for This Application
DELTA Environmental Handheld XRF Analyzers test for dangerously high levels of RCRA, Priority Pollutant and hazardous metals in seconds. HHXRF is used for soils and sediments according to EPA 6200 and other SOPs, filters per NIOSH or OSHA methods, screening surfaces and measuring dust wipes for Pb, Cd, Cr, As, Hg, and more.
DELTA Lead Paint Handheld XRF Analyzers test for Lead (Pb) in seconds. These reliable, tube-based units are light in weight and ergonomically designed for all-day testing. They start fast and stay fast - no isotope fade. And, they have a low total cost of ownership. Before you begin structural repair - grinding, cutting or painting - screen for Pb; then, check your work area after clean-up.
Combining a Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) and a 4W optimized X-ray tube, the DELTA Professional provides superior performance in speed, LODs, and elemental range. It analyzes Mg and higher for Alloys and Mining. The DELTA Professional is the best value solution from Olympus for handheld XRF.