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LabSpeed Statistical Process Control Software for EVIDENT XRF Analyzers

LabSpeed software is a cost-effective, advanced data automation and analysis application. When used with Evident X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers, the software can optimize your workflow, save time and resources, and increase data accuracy. LabSpeed software is a centralized database for all instrument data with the flexibility to integrate with other enterprise systems, such as an electronic lab notebook (ELN) or a lab information management system (LIMS).

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

With LabSpeed software’s SPC charts, a quality engineer can apply standard statistical analysis techniques to monitor a process control status. XCharts and RCharts can be displayed along with the Process Capability Index (Cpk) and WECO rules result. SPC enables early detection and prevention of problems in a process, which can lead to a significant reduction in the time required to produce a product.

LabSpeed software provides a common platform for data monitoring, process control, automated printing and exporting, charting, reporting, and sharing results generated from all types of instruments used in the metals and other industries, including Evident handheld XRF analyzers. The software connects directly to the LabSpeed MS SQL Server database where instrument results are automatically saved. Specific knowledge of the instrument data formats is not necessary, making it easier to access laboratory information.

LabSpeed Statistical Process Control Software for Olympus XRF Analyzers

Automate Printing and Data Export

LabSpeed software includes a Monitor Mode for detecting new samples recently saved to the database. Users can filter samples that match specific criteria and automatically print the results to multiple printers and export to multiple destinations. The user has complete control over the format of the printout and exported file and can even print or export a different format to different locations. Multiple samples can be printed on a single page to save paper.

Connect to ERP, LIMS, Excel® Software, ELN, and Other Third-Party Packages

Define the layout, field names, and data contents for export to ERP and third-party software packages using LabSpeed software’s unique drag and drop table-builder view. In just a few minutes, you can create a tabular export format to conform to virtually any import requirement. Save the file for reviewing new data and exporting on a regular basis, such as to ERP or LIMS systems.

LabSpeed Statistical Process Control Software for Olympus XRF Analyzers

Analyze Trends and Relationships

Drag and drop to create sophisticated 2D and 3D rotating charts to analyze relationships in the data. Twelve standard chart types are supported including bar, line, and pie with optional data smoothing. Analyze trends using date-time or elapsed time intervals. Add “check” limits to a plot to quickly identify points that are out of spec.

LabSpeed Statistical Process Control Software for Olympus XRF Analyzers

LabSpeed Statistical Process Control Software for Olympus XRF AnalyzersLabSpeed Statistical Process Control Software for Olympus XRF Analyzers

Create Custom Reports

LabSpeed software includes a unique reporting engine that hides the complexity of data relationships, which is common in instrument data. Simply drag and drop to create specialized reports with your own company logo and information layout. Create sophisticated reports for customers or create simple printouts for the foundry floor. Quickly modify existing reports.

LabSpeed Statistical Process Control Software for Olympus XRF Analyzers

Export Formats Easily

LabSpeed software’s drag and drop view designers enable you to quickly create new charts, reports, and tables or modify existing ones. For example, you could add a company logo, new information to a report, or move objects to change the layout. Chart axis scaling, series overlays, headings, titles, and limit lines are completely customizable. Tables can be displayed in any layout with columns that show just the information you need for viewing and exporting.

Use LabSpeed Software to Process and Report XRF Data

  • Control a process with SPC charts
  • Analyze trends
  • Auto-print to multiple printers
  • Auto-export to multiple destinations
  • Create reports for in-house use or to send to customers
  • Build custom solutions for daily use
  • Preview the data before exporting to ERP, LIMS, Excel, ELN and other applications
  • Share data and views with colleagues
  • Browse and review historical data

Olympus IMS

Prodotti per l'applicazione

The Vanta™ iX in-line XRF analyzer gives you confidence in your products by automating material analysis and alloy identification on the manufacturing line. Built to operate 24/7, the analyzer delivers instant results for 100% inspection of metal tubes, bars, and rods. For geological processing and mining, the Vanta iX analyzer enables core scanning and on-belt analysis with real-time results to monitor process variability and ensure ore grade consistency.

Le serie di analizzatori XRF portatili Vanta™ rappresentano gli strumenti XRF portatili più recenti e potenti Olympus. Sono in grado di realizzare delle analisi elementari precise per i clienti che devono ottenere direttamente sul campo dei risultati di qualità di laboratorio. Gli analizzatori sono progettati per assicurare resistenza, un grado di protezione IP54 o IP55, e una conformità ai test di caduta, garantendo un maggiore tempo di operatività e un minore costo di proprietà.
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