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FAQs about Testing Jewelry with Benchtop XRF Analyzers

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Gold jewelry tester

Welcome to our FAQ blog post about testing jewelry with benchtop X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers. Whether you're a jeweler, a pawn shop owner, or a curious consumer, understanding the composition of jewelry is important to identify authentic and valuable pieces from fakes. 

Here we answer some common questions about testing jewelry using benchtop XRF technology, including how it works in our Vanta™ GX precious metal analyzer.

Q: What are benchtop XRF analyzers?

A: Benchtop XRF analyzers are countertop devices that measure the precious metals and other elements in samples. They work using XRF, or X-ray fluorescence, a nondestructive analytical technique used to determine the elemental composition of materials without damaging them. When an object is exposed to X-rays, it emits fluorescent (or secondary) X-rays at characteristic energies. By measuring these energies, the XRF device can identify and quantify the elements present in the sample. 

Q: How does benchtop XRF work for testing jewelry?

A: Benchtop XRF technology works by directing X-rays at the jewelry item. These X-rays excite the atoms in the jewelry, causing them to emit secondary X-rays. The XRF analyzer detects these secondary X-rays and identifies the elements and their concentration in the jewelry. This enables the identification of metals and alloys used in the piece. 

Q: What is the Vanta GX analyzer?

A: The Vanta GX precious metal analyzer is a compact benchtop XRF system designed by Evident for fast, accurate, and nondestructive elemental analysis of small valuable items. It's known for its durability, ease of use, and high precision, making it an ideal tool for testing jewelry.

Q: What are the benefits of using the Vanta GX analyzer for jewelry testing?

A: There are several benefits, including:

  • Nondestructive: XRF does not damage or alter the jewelry.
  • Fast: Delivers results within seconds.
  • Accurate: Provides precise elemental analysis.
  • Portable: Benchtop system is compact and easy to use on a countertop, desk, or table.
  • Versatile: Suitable for testing various types of jewelry and metals.

Benchtop XRF analyzer for jewelry testing

The Vanta GX precious metal analyzer.

Q: What elements can the Vanta GX analyzer detect using XRF?

A: The Vanta GX analyzer can detect up to 27 elements, including but not limited to:

  • Gold (Au)
  • Silver (Ag)
  • Platinum (Pt)
  • Palladium (Pd)
  • Rhodium (Rh)
  • Copper (Cu)
  • Nickel (Ni)
  • Zinc (Zn)
  • Lead (Pb)

Q: How do I use the Vanta GX analyzer to test jewelry?

A: Using the Vanta GX analyzer is a straightforward process. Test a jewelry item in a few simple steps: 

  1. Prepare the sample: Ensure the jewelry item is clean and free from contaminants.
  2. Turn on the analyzer: Power up the Vanta GX analyzer.
  3. Place the sample: Position the jewelry in front of the analyzer’s measurement window.
  4. Initiate the test: Start the analysis by pressing the play button or using the software interface.
  5. Read the results: The analyzer displays the elemental composition on the screen within seconds.

Q: How do I interpret the results from the Vanta GX analyzer?

A: The Vanta GX analyzer provides a detailed breakdown of the elements present in the jewelry and their respective concentrations. This data can help you:

  • Verify the purity of precious metals (e.g., gold karats).
  • Identify alloy compositions.
  • Detect any potential contaminants or non-precious metals.

Q: How accurate is the Vanta GX analyzer, and how often should it be calibrated?

A: The Vanta GX analyzer is highly accurate. It arrives calibrated from Evident using a large suite of certified precious metal reference samples. The user can feel confident they are measuring accurately. The Vanta GX analyzer’s calibration is stable and free from drift.

Vanta GX results show the elements and their respective concentrations in the test sample.

Q: What is the warranty on a Vanta GX analyzer?

A: As a thank you to customers for trusting Evident products, Vanta GX analyzers now have a comprehensive 3-year warranty for a maximized return on investment. This warranty begins from the purchase date for both new and previously purchased units. Vanta GX analyzers offer this peace of mind by default—no warranty extension is required.

Q: Are there any safety considerations when using a benchtop XRF analyzer for jewelry testing?

A: The Vanta GX analyzer is a fully enclosed, shielded system with electronic interlocks for zero radiation exposure and safe operation.

Key Takeaways on Testing Jewelry Using Benchtop XRF

Testing jewelry with benchtop XRF technology such as the Vanta GX analyzer provides a quick, accurate, and nondestructive way to verify the composition of precious metals. Whether you’re a professional jeweler or an enthusiast, understanding how to use this technology can enhance your ability to assess and value jewelry accurately.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with the Vanta GX analyzer, feel free to contact us. Our XRF professionals are happy to help.  

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Michael Hullは、Evidentの分析機器部門のシニアプロダクトマネージャーです。蛍光X線分析計のユーザーが各々に合うソリューションを見つけられるように日々サポートを行っています。ノートルダム大学で無機化学の博士号を取得し、現在は、X線分析法を活用した構造特性解析、化学組成特定、解析同定に取り組んでいます。Evidentに入社する以前はノースウェスト・ミズーリ州立大学で教鞭をとっており、現在もライス大学とコロラド鉱山大学で客員研究員を務めています。

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