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Advanced Optical Metrology: New expertly curated content hub launched


Providing a valuable resource for researchers in optical metrology and industrial microscopy, Olympus has partnered to create the Advanced Optical Metrology Hub. The hub is a continually updated repository, created in collaboration with leading experts in academia and industry, where researchers can contribute their work, read about new advances in the field and develop their skills in publishing scientific research.

Hamburg, (18 June 2020)— Responding to a need for up-to-date, expertly curated content, Olympus has created the Advanced Optical Metrology Hub in partnership with Wiley, a renowned scientific publishing house. It brings together the best in industrial microscopy, scientific publishing, and academic and industrial expertise. This new initiative forms part of Olympus’ commitment to strengthen relationships with centers of microscopy excellence to enhance and facilitate the dialog between fundamental research and industrial applications.

E-books created as part of the hub are an excellent way for researchers to access reliable, insightful and up-to-date content to advance their work further. It also enables researchers to contribute to the hub – thereby expanding the reach of their work – and to learn more about the art of scientific publishing itself.

The first e-book published as part of the hub features articles in the field of additive manufacturing – focusing on topics such as electron beam melting, stereolithography and laser-assisted crystallization. The content that forms the basis of this e-book has come as the result of the Olympus LINKS collaboration, a network of industrial and academic centers of excellence in Europe. E-books on thin films, sensors, roughness, power and electronics will be added to the hub in the near future.

Commenting on the launch, Markus Fabich, strategic marketing manager industrial microscopy at Olympus, explains: “With the launch of the hub we have created a great new resource for researchers to both learn and contribute. The e-books in the hub will be handy, concise overviews of the latest developments in metrology for a specific application area – a very useful resource to have, both in academia and in industry.”

As a global leader in microscopy, Olympus has been providing microscope systems to industrial markets for over 100 years. Its systems provide precision and trust to applications such as academic research, product development, quality control and in-service inspection. Olympus’ products for industrial microscopy include optical, digital, confocal and stereo microscopes – as well as cameras and software.

John Wiley Sons, Inc. is a publishing house specializing in academic journals and educational materials. It has established expertise in the field of microscopy through publications such as Microscopy and Analysis and the peer-reviewed Journal of Microscopy.

The Advanced Optical Metrology Hub can be accessed at www.advancedopticalmetrology.com. For more information on Olympus’ products and services, please visit www.olympus-ims.com.

Please Contact:
Olympus: Jennifer Giesen (Content Marketing Manager Industry EMEA)
Olympus Europa SE Co. KG
Tel: +49 (0) 40 23773 4256
Email: scientificsolutions@olympus-europa.com
Web: www.olympus-ims.com

Text: Victoria Coupe (Senior Account Manager)
Alto Marketing
Tel: +44 (0) 1489 557 6726
Email: victoriac@alto-marketing.com
Web: www.alto-marketing.com/

For Olympus in the USA, please contact: Kristin Schaeffer
Klunk Millan Advertising
Tel: 610-973-2400
Email: kristin@klunkmillan.com

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