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You Asked and We Listened: New GageView Instructional Videos

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We developed these how-to videos in response to the most common questions asked by our users about GageView® software. GageView thickness software enables you to generate reports, export files to MS Excel in a variety of formats, and even transfer custom single element transducer setups.

The GageView thickness interface program is included with our 38DL PLUS® thickness gage and 45MG thickness gage when you purchase the 45MG-DL (data logging) software. The GageView software is primarily used to build and transfer files to and from our ultrasonic thickness gages. The program is compatible with the thickness gages mentioned above as well as many discontinued models that had data logging capabilities.

These GageView how-to videos provide step-by-step instructions, along with voice-over narration, on how to install the program, build and transfer files to and from the gages, and even how to import custom IDs from an Excel or Text file. We hope you find them useful!

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