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2010년 9월 29일

Mud Logging: Terra, an essential tool in petroleum exploration

TerraIs An Essential Tool In Petroleum Exploration.

US-based oil and gas field service company Weatherford Laboratories has recently started using the Terra to help its customers gain faster and more accurate results when drilling for natural gas in unconventional rock formations, such as shale deposits.

Mud Logging, also known as hydrocarbon well logging, is the creation of a detailed record of a borehole by examining rock or sediment brought to the surface by the circulating drilling medium (most commonly mud). This provides well owners and producers with information about the lithology and fluid content of the borehole while drilling. A mobile laboratory is situated by the mud logging company near the drilling rig or on deck of an offshore drilling rig, or on a drill ship.

Terra represents the point in time when XRD has left the lab. It is the world's first X-ray diffraction instrument designed specifically for field applications. Completely contained, Terra allows for remote operation in environments where the advantages of XRD were not formerly possible. The Terra is manufactured by InXitu exclusively for distribution by Olympus Innov-X., a world leader in the design, development and distribution of portable analytical instruments.

To learn more about Portable XRD/XRF and Mud Logging visit our website at www.olympus-ims.com/.

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9월 29, 2010
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