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72DL PLUS™ 초음파 두께 측정기

72DL PLUS 측정기를 최적화하기 위한 전문가의 팁과 요령이 포함된 짧은 튜토리얼 동영상. 

OmniScan™ X3 Phased Array Flaw Detector

Short tutorial videos to help you get the most out of your OmniScan X3 flaw detector. 

Vanta™ Handheld XRF Analyzer

Get the ins and outs of using your Vanta analyzer in these quick tutorials. 
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수석 제품 관리자, 옴니스캔 제품

Tommy는 Olympus(전 연구 개발 Tech)에서 19년 이상 근무해왔습니다.. 옴니스캔 제품군의 수석 제품 관리자로 재직하기 전에는 옴니스캔 ECA, MS-5800, NORTEC 및 본드마스터를 포함해서 현재 서비스 중인 다른 NDT 제품군의 제품 매니저로 근무했습니다. Tommy는 자신의 경력 내내 프로브 및 응용 프로그램 개발에 기여하고, 기존 제품을 개선하기 위해 노력했으며, 수많은 교육을 맡아왔습니다.

글로벌 고급 제품 지원 관리자

Emilie는 2009년부터 용접/NDT 업계에서 종사해 왔습니다. 그녀는 응용 과학 부학사 학위를 보유하고 있으며, 다양한 NDT 방법에 대해 교육을 받았습니다. 그녀는 2014년 Olympus에 합류했고, 초음파, 위상 배열 및 기타 첨단 검사 기술에 중점을 두고 기술 지원에서 제품 관리에 이르기까지 다양한 직책을 맡아왔습니다. 글로벌 고급 제품 지원 관리자로서 그녀는 비즈니스 및 제품 개발에 관여하고 있으며, 업계 전반에 걸쳐 다양한 분야를 지원하고 있습니다.

학술 지원

Florin은 2014년에 위상 배열 및 유도파와 같은 첨단 초음파 기술 분야의 학술 고문으로 Olympus 유럽에 합류했습니다. 물리학 학사 학위와 NDT 관련 엔지니어링 박사 학위를 보유한 Florin은 유도파 초음파 분야에서 9년 간의 연구 개발 경력을 지니고 있습니다.

사업 개발 관리자 - NDT 센서 및 솔루션

Jeff는 펜실베니아 주립 대학교에서 산업 공학 학사를 취득했으며, 미육군 예비군 장교로 임관 및 복무한 후 2010년 초에 Olympus에 합류했습니다. 그는 상업용 및 군용 응용 프로그램을 개발하기 위해 NDT 기술을 지원하고 있습니다. 2020년 4월에 NDT 센서 및 솔루션에 대한 사업 개발 관리자(BDM)를 담당하게 됐습니다. BDM 역할과 함께 그는 Olympus가 최첨단 NDT 기술을 개발하고 있는 펜실베니아 주립 대학교에 위치한 솔루션 및 응용 프로그램 센터를 이끌고 있습니다.

글로벌 고급 제품 학술 지원

Stephan은 Olympus에서 제품 개발 및 제품 학술 고문으로 9년 동안 근무했습니다. 2017년 그는 더 많은 응용 지식을 얻기 위해 검사 업계에서 근무하게 됐습니다. 2019년 Stephan은 Olympus에 다시 합류하여 글로벌 제품 학술 지원의 리더를 맡게 됐습니다. Stephan은 현재 초음파 고급 제품 학술 고문으로서 응용 프로그램, 교육 및 산업 프로젝트를 전세계적으로 지원하고 있습니다.

NDT/ANI Technical Manager

Liu Pei joined Olympus in 2012 and is based in our Jiuxianqiao office in Beijing, China. He works with our sales and marketing teams to promote Olympus NDT product lines and provides technical support of our customers’ applications, including performing on-site demonstrations and training and assisting in application solution development

Application Specialist, Analytical Instruments

Howard Yu is an application specialist for analytical instruments at Evident based in Beijing, China. He has been with Evident since 2019 and supports the Evident X-ray fluorescence (XRF) product lines to provide enhanced solutions to customers. After obtaining a bachelor's degree in geology, he received a master’s degree in mineralogy, petrology, and mineralogy of deposits from the Hefei University of Technology. Howard works with customers from a variety of backgrounds, including oil and gas exploration, maintenance, research, medical, forensics, mining, and mineral processing.

Applications Scientist, Analytical Instruments

Andrew Cardamone has a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and environmental studies from Bowdoin College. From 2018–2022, Andrew was an applications scientist at Evident specializing in X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and other analytical technologies for geochemical, soil, and car catalyst applications. Prior to Evident, Andrew spent seven years working as a material analytical chemist.  

Business Specialist, Analytical Instruments

Vladimir Vermus has a bachelor’s degree from Moscow Mining University and 10 years’ experience in portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis at Evident. He started as a sales engineer with four years in direct sales, then later managed the development of XRF analytical instrument sales in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Vladimir currently specializes in marketing, sales, and applications for XRF analyzers in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA). 

Australian Geoscience Council

David Cohen is a geologist and exploration geochemist. He is President of the UNSW Academic Board, President of the Australian Geoscience Council and a Past-President and recipient of the silver medal of the Association of Applied Geochemists, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geosciences and the Royal Society of New South Wales. He was head of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences from 2009 to 2016. He has 30 years of experience in exploration and environmental geochemistry research in Australia, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North America. Research area include field methods for exploration and environmental geochemistry, geochemical mapping and multivariate data mining. He lectures in environmental and exploration geochemistry, economic geology and supervises a number of postgraduate research students in geochemistry. He was the 2013 Australasian Institute for Mining and Metallurgy visiting lecturer to New Zealand. He has been involved in various major environmental consultancies, including the contaminant assessment of the Olympic Village Site and regional geochemical mapping for exploration and environmental purposes in NSW and Cyprus. He has been a technical consultant to a number of industrial companies and government departments, including expert opinion services for various legal cases relating to geology and geochemistry.

Chris Magruder has worked at Evident for 19+ years providing phased and array and time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) training to customers of all levels. Chris is actively involved in phased array product and software development with a background specialty in new weld fabrication and in-service inspections.

大学卒業後、原子力発電所にて放射線管理業務に従事し、2003年退社。同年R/D Tech社に入社し、超音波、超音波フェーズドアレイ、渦流、渦流アレイ製品を取り扱う技術部に所属。2007年よりオリンパスに入社しアプリケーション開発及び製品技術サポート・トレーニング業務に携わる。2013年より営業技術部、2018年より販売促進に所属し、従来業務と製品拡販を兼務。

Product and Application Manager, Olympus Singapore

Vincent graduated from the University of Western Australia with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry. He started his career as an inorganic engineer, specializing in ICP-OES, ICP-MS, HDXRF, AAS, and UV-Vis spectroscopy. In 2015, Vincent joined Olympus to develop regional business and provide application support.

Sr. Product Manager, NDT Solutions, APAC

Dennis Chai has over 19 years of nondestructive testing (NDT) experience. This includes eight years working as an inspector in the oil and gas, construction, and maintenance industries using ultrasonic testing (UT), eddy current testing (ECT), and magnetic flux leakage (MFL) techniques and advanced methods such as phased array (PA) and time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD). For the last nine years, Dennis has been working on the development, deployment, and support of leading-edge NDT products and solutions in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. Recently, he has been heavily involved in the design of novel inspection solutions for austenitic welds, full matrix capture (FMC)/total focusing method (TFM)/phase coherence imaging (PCI) applications, and corrosion inspections in components with complex geometry.

Product Manager, APAC NDT, Evident Scientific, Singapore

Prasanth joined as an NDT specialist in 2019 providing application development & support for customers in Asia Pacific region. He holds a Master’s Degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur and has been in the NDT industry for over 7 years. He comes with a proven track record of delivering high quality inspection, training & consultancy services - specializing in advanced UT & PAUT techniques. ASNT and PCN level 3 certified, he worked in wide range of projects across various industries, including Oil and Gas, Power Generation and Ship Building. At Olympus/Evident he works closely with industry experts in developing niche application solutions and implementation of latest techniques like TFM & PCI.

Stefano Croce joined Olympus in 2012 as NDT product manager. With a degree in Chemistry, he worked for a service company and becoming certified level 3 for some NDT method. Now, as sales specialist for NDT and RVI in Italy, he provides support and technical solution for advanced and challenging customers applications.

NDT Specialist Olympus Netherlands

Wilbert worked as an NDT engineer for almost 8 years in the industrial Gas and Steam Turbine business before joining Olympus. He joined Olympus in 2009 initially as an account manager for the RVI and NDT product lines in the East part of the Netherlands. After 10 years working as an account manager his responsibilities changed to a supporting role for the advanced NDT product lines. He now supports his Dutch colleagues and some colleagues in the West part of Germany for NDT related projects.

NDT Senior Specialist

Michaël joined Olympus in 2020 as an NDT senior specialist after working more than 30 years as a mechanical engineer and NDT inspector in the aerospace manufacturing and maintenance sectors. He brings experience as an NDT lecturer and Level 3 in electromagnetic testing (ET), penetrant testing (PT), and ultrasonic testing (UT) methods to support Olympus sales specialists with new application development and custom solutions.

Application Product Leader

Louis-Philippe graduated from a 2D/3D animation program in 2009, and then spent a decade applying his studies at a 3D scanning metrology company—5 years as an application engineer and 5 years as a marketing expert. He joined Olympus in 2019 to fill the role of Application Product Leader for the OmniScan™ product line.

Sr. Applications Engineer

Curtis re-joined the Evident team after several years of providing ultrasonics training and consulting for the inspection industry. Combined with his associate degree in applied science, nondestructive testing, he has over 12 years of experience in ultrasonics, phased array, and time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) applications.

Sr. Applications Engineer

Brandon is an internationally experienced advanced ultrasonic specialist with over eight years of experience in the industries. Brandon holds an ASNT UT Level III certification.

Sales Engineer, Sintrol

Eero joined Sintrol—an Evident distributor—in 2006 as a service engineer for industrial X-ray equipment. After taking phased array courses, Eero transitioned to the role of sales engineer in 2009, where he worked to provide customers with advanced ultrasonic equipment and solutions. He is passionate about finding solutions that enhance his customers’ productivity and quality control procedures.

Deputy General Manager

Xiaoning (Bruce) Wang joined Evident in 2010 to oversee our support and application teams for NDT products and analytical instruments in China. He joined Evident with nearly 13 years’ NDT experience as well as a master’s degree in materials science and engineering from the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Bruce is a committee member of the Chinese Society for Testing and Materials and a technical observer for China’s NDT National Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC56).

Senior Sales Specialist, Industrial Solutions

Colm Kinsella graduated from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, with a Bachelor of Materials Engineering degree. From 2013 to 2022, Colm supported Evident customers with their nondestructive testing (NDT), remote visual inspection, and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) needs. Colm relocated from Melbourne to Perth in 2016 and is the current Western Australia Branch President of the Australian Institute of Nondestructive Testing (AINDT).

Advance NDT Manager, United Arab Emirates, Olympus EMEA

Sabri is an NDT expert with bachelor’s degrees in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and Welding Engineering. He is certified Ultrasonic Level III per ISO 9712. He has more than 12 years of experience in various industries, including Oil & Gas, Aviation, Energy, and Manufacturing. This experience enables Sabri to provide support and solutions to the global NDT market. He joined Olympus in 2018 as Advanced NDT Manager, where his role is primarily to support customers with challenging applications by offering guidance on the proper methods, tools, and technology.

Senior NDT Specialist, EMEA

Gary started his NDT career with Olympus in 2008, developing into an NDT specialist covering Olympus advanced products such as the OmniScan™ flaw detector, Ms5800 tube inspection system, and PipeWIZARD™ inspection system. Gary left Olympus to develop more field experience, working with some of the most advanced NDT companies in the UK and becoming certified in a range of disciplines, including level 3 qualifications for ultrasonics and phased array. After returning to Olympus, Gary now supports our extensive range of distributors in the EMEA region.

Assistant Manager, NDT, Olympus Japan

Yoichiro joined Olympus in 2001 and started his career as an engineer for the development of industrial videoscopes. Since 2011, he has been responsible for the marketing and sales strategy of nondestructive (NDT) products, including ultrasonic testing and eddy current testing equipment, in Japan.

Sales Specialist, Olympus New Zealand

Faizal graduated from Manukau Institute of Technology with a diploma in electronics engineering. After working five years in the telecom field, he started at Olympus in 2004 as a service technician. He later joined the industrial sales team in 2008 as a sales specialist for remote visual inspection (RVI), nondestructive testing (NDT), and analytical instruments. His current role involves sales and support of Olympus industrial products in the Pacific Islands and New Zealand.

Product Manager, NDT, Olympus Australia and New Zealand

Richard has been with Olympus Australia for 15 years, starting in 2006 as a sales specialist to support NDT products. With a master’s degree in electronics engineering and career experience in a wide range of tech industries, he has extensive knowledge of NDT and Olympus products. He has a keen interest in building and sharing his knowledge and has presented extensively on many NDT topics, particularly corrosion scanning. For the last nine years he has been responsible for NDT application support, product support, training, and marketing for the Australia and New Zealand region.

Product Application Specialist

Sean received a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (BSIE) from Purdue University. He started at Olympus, now Evident, in 2015, specializing in NDT product applications with a focus in conventional flaw detection.

Director, Global Product— Portable NDT

Steve received a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) from Western New England University and a Master’s in Applied Business Management from Lesley University. He has been working in ultrasonics for 35 years, starting at Panametrics in 1987 through to today at Evident Industrial.

Product Applications Leader

After four years with the Canadian Armed Forces, Trevor chose to study Engineering Physics at Laval University with a speciality in materials science. In February 2020, Trevor joined the R&D department of then Olympus Scientific Solutions’ industrial division, now Evident Industrial. After 2 years, he switched over to the product applications team and is now in the Product Applications Leader role for the OmniScan™ X3 series of flaw detectors.

NDT Applications Manager

Nick Eleftheriou has more than 25 years of continuous experience in project management for numerous ventures worldwide. His qualifications include ASME Plant Inspector, ISO 9712 Level III MT, PT, UT, PAUT Level II, and Technical Assessor. Through his studies, he has also achieved a Trade Certificate IV in Engineering, a diploma in business management, and a science degree in nondestructive testing.

Nick is the national president of the Australian Institute for Nondestructive Testing (AINDT) following five years as a director. He previously served as a volunteer for the South Australian Branch as a councilor through to a past branch president. During his tenure, he has frequently represented AINDT at national and international events, where he has submitted technical presentations and case studies to the industry.

Having joined Evident as the technical sales specialist for South Australia and the Northern Territory, Nick combines his expertise with a genuine passion for industry and technology. He now works as the NDT product manager for Australia and New Zealand.

Nick is also a parent, carer, volunteer, and ongoing life student, and he strives to be a high achiever in all aspects of his personal and professional life.

Sales Specialist NDT Germany

Heiko joined Olympus Germany 2007 as territory sales manager for all product lines of Olympus. He worked since 2019 as sales specialist NDT. He starts 1995 as sales consultant with Panametrics.

Product Application Leader

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