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Soczewki obiektywów

Soczewki obiektywów UIS2 firmy Olympus gwarantują jakość, elastyczność pracy i doskonałe parametry optyczne od długości światła widzialnego do bliskiej podczerwieni. Szeroka gama produktów zapewnia dostępność systemu odpowiedniego do wymogów użytkownika.


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Our MPLAPON Plan Apochromat objective lens Series provides the highest level of chromatic correction and resolution capability available from Olympus. High level wavefront aberration correction is guaranteed.

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Our MPLAPON-Oil Plan Apochromat oil immersion objective provides the highest level of chromatic correction and resolution capability available from Olympus. Outstanding Numerical Aperture, 1.45, ensures unparalleled resolution.

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MXPLFLN objectives add depth to the MPLFLN series for epi-illumination imaging by offering a simultaneously improved numerical aperture and working distance.

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MXPLFLN-BD objective lenses add depth to the MPLFLN series for epi-illumination imaging by offering simultaneously improved numerical aperture and working distance.

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Our MPLN Plan Achromat lens series is dedicated to brightfield observation and provides excellent contrast and optimum flatness throughout the field of view.

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Our MPLN Plan Achromat lens series is designed for both brightfield and darkfield observation and provides excellent contrast and optimum flatness throughout the field of view.

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The MPLFLN objective lens has well balanced performance with a semi apochromat color correction, a fair working distance and a high numerical aperture and is suitable for the widest range of applications.

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The MPLFLN-BD lens has semi apochromat color correction and is suitable for the widest range of applications. Especially designed for darkfield observation and the examination of scratches or etchings on polished surfaces.

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Our LMPLFLN lens is part of our Plan semi-apochromat series, providing longer working distances for added specimen safety and observation with increased contrast.

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Our LMPLFLN-BD brightfield / darkfield lens is part of our Plan semi-apochromat series, providing longer working distances for added specimen safety and observation with increased contrast.

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The SLMPLN Plan Achromat objective lens offers the ultimate in performance with exceptionally long working distance and image clarity that you expect from the Olympus UIS 2 optical system. Ideal for electronic assembly inspection or other similar applications.

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Olympus’ LCPLFLN-LCD lenses are optimal for observing specimens through glass substrates such as LCD panels. The adoption of optical correction rings allows aberration correction according to glass thickness.

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Our LMPLN-IR and LCPLN-IR long working distance Plan Achromat lenses, are specifically designed for optimal transmission in the near infrared (700-1300 nm wavelengths).

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White Light Interferometry Objective lens

This objective lens is designed for the Mirau style of white light interferometers and maintains a high level of temperature tolerance. The optimized NA of 0.8 provides improved light gathering, with a working distance of 0.7 mm.

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