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Tools for OLYMPUS Stream 2.4.4 for Windows OS (64bit)

Tools for OLYMPUS Stream 2.4.4 for Windows OS (64bit)

1. General

This file contains additional tools for OLYMPUS Stream 2.4.4. The following operating systems are supported:

Microsoft® Windows® 10 Pro (64 Bit) or
Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 Pro (64 Bit) or
Microsoft® Windows® 7 Ultimate/Professional (64 Bit) SP1

2. Installation procedure

2.1. Download

(1) Click the [Download] button at the right of this page.
(2) When an entry form appears, enter all required fields.
(3) Click the [Download] button to start downloading.

2.2. Installation

(1) Uncompress zip file
 Uncompress zip file

(2) Right-click on the icon and select [Extract All…] from the pop-up menu.
 Right-click on the icon and select [Extract All…] from the pop-up menu.

(3) Set a Destination and click the [Extract] button.

 Set a Destination and click the [Extract] button.

(4) The file is uncompressed and the folder is open:

The file is uncompressed and the folder is open:

(5) You can find several tools for Stream 2.4.4 in the subfolders of Tools. For the installation of these tools, please open corresponding setup files first and then execute the installer of the tool.

You can find several tools for Stream 2.4.2 in the subfolders of Tools.

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