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11 Outubro, 2006

New! OmniScan MX Product Line—Two New Entry-Level, Low-Cost Modules—for Manual Phased Array Inspection.

Olympus NDT Adds to the OmniScan MX Product Line-Two New Entry-Level, Low-Cost Modules-for Manual Phased Array Inspection.

Quebec, Canada, October 2006. - Olympus NDT is pleased to announce the addition of the 16:16M and 16:64M manual phased array inspection modules to its OmniScan MX series.

Seeing a need for a low-cost, entry-level solution for manual phased array inspection, Olympus NDT, the leader in phased array technology, has added these new entry-level flaw detectors as the newest members of the OmniScan MX product line. The new modules for manual testing provide the same advantages of phased array imaging, while keeping all the benefits of a proven product.

These two modules use real-time phased array imaging, combine phased array and conventional UT, and feature a simple, user-friendly interface. In addition, as inspection needs increase, these two modules can be upgraded. Priced lower, in keeping with today's customer needs, these practical manual phased array additions, to the OmniScan MX series, give way to a larger user base.

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Outubro 11, 2006
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