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Webinar - Smart Workflows with Advanced Laser Scanning Microscope Measurements and Experiments

Smart Workflows with Advanced Laser Scanning Microscope Measurements and Experiments

As industry evolves, we are experimenting and analyzing finer and more diverse types of materials. In particular, the electronics, metal, and automotive markets require a wide variety of analyses and accurate measurement data. In response to these diverse needs, this webinar will introduce accurate measuring and data solutions that make it easy to analyze data under various experimental conditions.

In this webinar, our expert will:

  • Introduce OLS5100 3D measurement methods
  • Discuss how the OLS5100 can help you obtain trustworthy 3D data
  • Discuss ways you can simplify and speed up your measurement experiment workflow
  • Demonstrate practical cases and functions using the LEXT™ OLS5100 laser scanning microscope
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