In the field, during pipeline construction, automated ultrasonic testing is used to inspect welds with high accuracy. The Olympus PipeWIZARD is a fully automated system that performs phased array inspection on the girth welds of pipelines.
PipeWIZARD: Inspeção automatizada de tubos CRA-Clad com soldas circunferenciaisLegendas disponíveis:Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, 日本語, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
The PipeWizard phased array scanner is dedicated to the inspection of construction pipeline girth welds.
PipeWIZARD: Por que usar AUT?Legendas disponíveis:Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, 日本語, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
In the field, during pipeline construction, automated ultrasonic testing is used to inspect welds with high accuracy. The Olympus PipeWIZARD is a fully automated system that performs phased array inspection on the girth welds of pipelines.
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