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Videoscope Maintenance, Care and Troubleshooting

Videoscope Maintenance, Care and Troubleshooting

Keeping your videoscope in good working condition is important for both inspection efficiency and cost-reduction reasons. With proper care, maintenance and cleaning of your videoscope, you will have high-quality images, accurate measurement results and reduced downtime.

In this webinar, we will explain the effective ways of caring for, maintaining and cleaning your videoscope assets. Specifically, you will learn:

  • Best practices to prevent or minimize damage to your videoscope
  • The correct way to attach, detach and clean optical tip adapters
  • How to clean and disinfect your videoscope and its main components
  • The most common types of damage and how to prevent them
  • How the manufacturer can help in reducing the costs of maintenance

The presentation will be followed by a Q session with Olympus RVI Specialists.

Product Marketing Manager, Remote Visual Inspection

Bayard has 15 years of experience working with a wide range of industrial applications, having also worked as a project engineer and product specialist in the fields of numerical simulation and industrial lubricants.

Out 02 2024
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