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The MagnaMike 8500 is the ideal instrument for measuring items with difficult shapes and sizes such as glass and aluminum containers, aerospace composite parts, medical packaging, automotive panels, airbag tear seams, and other parts made from nonferrous materials.

Measurements are performed by holding the gage's magnetic probe to one surface of the test material and placing a small steel target ball on the opposite surface.

We offer a variety of probes, target balls and discs and optional accessories for the MagnaMike to aid in many thickness measurement applications.

MagnaMike Probes

MagnaMike Cables

MagnaMike calibration fixture

MagnaMike Replacement Shims

MagnaMike target balls

MagnaMike accessories

MagnaMike cases

* Product lead times vary. You will receive shipping confirmation 1-2 business days after placing your order.
If you need a product sooner, please contact a sales representative for more details.

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