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Ultrasonic flaw detectors and thickness gauges are used in a wide variety of applications. In this post, learn more about how they’re used—from A to Z.
Read a review from an NDT services company whose inspectors have an average of 20 years’ experience. How? They got it serving in the US Military.
Our Vanta™ and GoldXpert™ XRF analyzers are proven tools for fast, accurate precious metals testing. Explore their applications for jewelry, gold, and more.
In this post, learn how international yacht surveyor marineSOLUTIONS uses ultrasonic testing to detect flaws in boats, yachts, and other marine vessels.
OmniPC 5 software has arrived, and it’s completely free. In this post, we discuss what version 5 has to offer with no hidden costs or surprise charges.
コンタミネーション解析システム「CIX100™」のソフトウェアアップデート 品質管理において重要な、コンタミネーション解析と顕微鏡検査を1台で可能に
PMI testing is a nondestructive method to verify the chemical composition of metals and alloys. Check out these 5 tips to get your XRF analyzer ready for efficient PMI testing.
OLYMPUS Stream image analysis software now leverages the power of AI to bring next-gen image segmentation to industrial microscope inspections. Get the details in the press release!
Los inspectores de tuberías pueden mejorar su eficiencia gracias a la portabilidad, versatilidad y simplicidad del escáner AxSEAM. A través de esta publicación, descubra cuán fácil puede ser el escaneo de tuberías.
In this post, we discuss highlights and lessons from a recent presentation given by Olympus expert Damien Blondel about pXRF for electronics and battery recycling.
Co nowego: Komunikat prasowy o wersji 1.5 oprogramowania CIX Najnowsza aktualizacja oprogramowania systemu kontroli czystości CIX100 przynosi nowy tryb mikroskopowy, który zmienia ten produkt w kompleksowe rozwiązanie obrazujące do analizy cząstek i inspekcji mikroskopowej. Przeczytaj ten komunikat prasowy i dowiedz się więcej.
In this app note, learn how Vanta portable XRF analyzers play a critical role in the exploration and mining of uranium ores by accurately measuring low ppm uranium concentrations in a variety of deposit types.
Handheld XRF can help recyclers identify valuable platinum group metals in spent catalytic converters. In this post, we share tips to help you optimize your XRF analyzer for accurate, fast PGM testing.
In this post, learn how digital microscopes are used to validate the quality and ingredients using in traditional Chinese medicine.
Get to know our application scientists in this spotlight series. In this post, we quiz Andrew Cardamone on the fascinating aspects of XRF and XRD problem solving.
The engine is the heart of the aircraft, and inspectors must regularly assess this vital component to keep planes flying. In this post, learn how videoscopes help with this task.
In this app note, learn how our pXRF and pXRD analyzers play an important role in the exploration and mining of iron ores and deposits.
In this post, learn how Olympus customer Potrero integrates our transducers into their automated urine output measurement device to help monitor critical care patients.
Supporting Military Aircraft Mission Readiness with Fit-for-Service Videoscopes
In diesem Beitrag erfahren Sie, wie die Verwendung von tragbaren RF- und RD-Analysatoren Geologen wichtige Anhaltspunkte für die Entdeckung, Erkundung und den Abbau von Porphyr-Kupferlagerstätten liefert.
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